  • NEW! JLI CourseDecoding the Talmud - A 6 Week course! Register Now & Discover
  • Women's Challah Bake!Make your own homemade Challah and discover the beauty of our tradition connecting the generations... Bring a friend, sister, mother or daughter to celebrate this most powerful mitzvah entrusted to women! RSVP
  • Mikvah RenovationChabad is completely renovating the Mikvah, Sukkah, Preschool play area, windows and more!
    Please partner with us today by donating to one of these projects!
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Women's Challah Bake!

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Your Jewish home away from home

Chabad of New Mexico, headquartered in Albuquerque, was established with the blessing of the Lubavitcher Rebbe in 1992, and is directed by Rabbi Chaim Schmukler and his wife Devorah Leah.

Chabad of New Mexico has helped foster Jewish awareness, education, assistance and service throughout the State of New Mexico. Since its establishment, Chabad of New Mexico has had the privilege of touching the lives of thousands of people throughout the State with the help of its wide array of educational and social programs.
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Learning & Inspiration
  • Did the Egyptians Actually Practice Magic?The plain reading of the text certainly implies that they did. Read More
Shabbat & Holidays
Candle Lighting Times
Albuquerque, NM 87110
Weekly Torah Portion
Upcoming Holiday
Feb. 13
Daily Thought
Sometimes, it can look like this mitzvah that has come your way is impossible. But there is no such thing as a mitzvah done alone. As soon as you muster up the resolve, space, time, and consciousness converge. You nod your consent, and a flood of generations flows through you to do the rest. Together with you, every Jewish soul, from...
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