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Printed fromChabadNM.org

Mikvah & Chabad Renovations

  • As Rosh Hashana approaches, we invite you to partner with Chabad of New Mexico in creating a brighter future for our community. Your generous donation will empower us to sustain and expand the vital educational and social services so many rely on, and to realize our vision of new programs and centers across the state.

    Our beautiful new Mikvah is nearing completion, but we still need $120,000 to bring it to fruition. Thanks to the generosity of a dedicated sponsor, every dollar donated for the Mikvah before Rosh Hashana will be doubled!

    Whether you choose to contribute to the Mikvah, support our ongoing programs and services, or dedicate your gift to another area of need, please know that every donation makes a profound difference.

    We also invite you to consider sponsoring one of the renovation projects listed below. Your partnership will help us create welcoming and inspiring spaces for our community to learn, grow, and connect.

    Feel free to reach out to us anytime to discuss our vision for a vibrant Jewish future in New Mexico.

    Thank you for your unwavering support. Wishing you and your loved ones a Shana Tova filled with health, peace, happiness, and prosperity. May our collective Mitzvot bring us closer to a world of true peace and harmony with the coming of Moshiach.

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    Please mail the check to Chabad of New Mexico, 4000 San Pedro NE Albuquerque, NM 87110

    For Payment Plan options, please call Rabbi Schmukler at 505-880-1181
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